Aug 052018

Why is the second group of exemptions from offerings done outside learned out from a different verse and not the one the first category are derived from? What is the negative commandment that Rabbi Shimon holds one os forbidden by if offering outside something that is not yet ready to be offered but will be? Two possible options are brought.

Aug 032018

Why did the mishna compare the case of two cups of blood to a sin offering that got lost and another was brought in its place? The gemara concludes that the msihna was brought in order to teach a case that can be derived from the mishna and not for the case itself. The mishna brings all sorts of cases where the laws of offering sacrifices outside do not apply either because of the type of offering (that isn’t offered inside the mikdash) or because of the animal brought (a disqualified animal). The mishna describes historically – when were sacrifices allowed to be brought outside the mishkan (bamot) and when were they forbidden? What were the laws regarding each time period (when they were allowed and when they weren’t)? What sacrifices were allowed to be brought anywhere (during the time when bamot were permitted)?

Aug 022018

Several tannatic debates are brought regarding items offered up outside and the amoraim debate what the actual debate is about. Some of the issues raised include were there libations with sacrifices of individuals in the desert? Is the spilling of the remainder of the blood, a critical part of the offering?  When is one obligated for offering up the bird outside – if the slaughter/melika that was performed outside/inside? All permutations are discussed.

Aug 012018

Study Guide Zevachim 110

In what cases do Rabbi Elazar and the rabbis disagree with regards to whether or not one would be obligated on offerings brought outside that are incomplete or less than the required amount, or one part is burned and not the other (in a case where the requirement includes more than one item to be burned), etc.

Jul 312018

More details relating to items offered outside are discussed. What parts of the animal can be combined in order to get to the minimum requirement of an olive bulk? It depends on which type of sacrifice. What other offerings, besides animal offerings, is one obligated for if one offers outside? What is the minimum measurement?

Jul 302018

Study Guide Zevachim 108

The debate regarding whether or not one is obligated for offering outside a sacrifice that was slaughtered outside or an impure person eating impure food (mentioned in the mishna) is discussed further by the gemara and arguments are brought to explain Rabbi Yosi the Galilean’s approach. The next mishna discusses cases in which slaughtering is more stringent than offering and one in which offering is more stringent than slaughtering and their derivations from the verses are brought by the gemara. There is a debate regarding one who offers up several pieces – is one obligated for one act or for several. There is a further debate regarding what is the case exactly that they are debating and in which case would they both agree.

Jul 262018

Study Guide Zevachim 104

Are there cases where the meat is disqualified but the hide will still be given to the priests? There were 3 locations where items were burned (not on the altar) – beit hadeshen. Where were they located and what items were burned there? Does the meat of the sin offerings whose blood was presented inside get disqualified by being left overnight or not?