Jul 192017

Three different reading of the mishna are brought regarding the first 6 words of the mishna – monetary laws are judged by 3, theft and injuries by 3.  All conclude the same bottom line law – that for loans and admissions you would need 3 regular people and for theft and injuries you would need 3 judges.  However how they read this into the words of the mishna and what the original Torah laws and how the Rabbis changed it and why is a subject of debate.  What are damages and half damages listed separately – why isn’t it included in injuries?  From where do we derive that courts should be 3 judges?  There is a debate between Rabbi Yoshia and Rabbi Yonatan – is there debate just about the derivation or do they have a different understanding of how judgments are decided?

Jul 182017

Study Guide Sanhedrin 2

This shiur includes an introduction to Masechet Sanhedrin.  The mishnayot of the first perek explain both what issues are brought to which size courts and how the number of judges in each court can be derived from the Torah.  The gemara starts to deal with the first item on the list – robbery and damages to a person.  The assumption is that loans and admissions are excluded – why and what are they excluded from?