Apr 102017

What parts of the donkey are included in a sale of a donkey?  It depends on whether one holds what the main purpose of buying a donkey was – for riding or for carrying.  Are offspring included in the sale of a nursing cow or donkey?  Further drashot are brought regarding the theme of arrogance as well as the righteous being rewarding and the wicked being destroyed.

Apr 092017

Ameimar paskens on the issue regarding how one can transfer a document of a loan to another.  There are 2 different versions of the gemara – each having the opposite conclusion.  The gemara questions Ameimar and then resolves the contradiction.  The mishna then discusses other parts of an item that one acquires or doesn’t acquire with the sale of the item.  There is a debate in the mishna whether or not we can look at the amount of money and that will be telling about what the purchase was for.

Apr 072017

There are more stories about the leviathan and what will happen to it in the future and how the righteous and Jerusalem will benefit from its meat and its skin.  Descriptions are brought about what will be in Jerusalem in the future.  The gemara then goes on to discuss how one acquires (through what type of kinyan) a boat.

Apr 062017

Rabba bar bar Chana tells stories about when an Arab showed him the people who died in the desert (dor hamidbar), Mount Sinai, and the earth where Korach and his followers were killed.  Each place seemed to have some sort of magical powers associated with it.  Stories are brought by various rabbis about all the Leviathan and other gigantic creatures.

Apr 052017

One who buys a boat, what parts are included in the sale of the boat?  Since boats were mentioned, Raba and Rabba bar bar Chana bring many stories about things they saw while travelling or stories that were told to them by those who came from the sea.  The stories are very exaggerated and their meaning unclear. Many view these stories as allegorical.

Apr 042017

Study Guide Bava Batra 72

How can we reconcile Rav Huna with Rabbi Shimon?  The gemara suggests one possibility but it is rejected based on an understanding of Rabbi Shimon’s opinion elsewhere in a braita regarding one who consecrates a field.  Based on also a contradiction within Rabbi Shimon’s statement in our mishna and Rabbi Shimon in the braita, the gemara concludes that RAbbi Shimon in our mishna is not actually his own opinion but what he thinks the rabbis should hold according to their opinion.  The gemara then questions Rabbi Shimon’s opinion in the braita with an opinion of Rabbi Shimon’s in another case.

Apr 032017

When someone sells – do they sell with a good eye or a bad eye?  What is included on the sale of a field according to each opinion of this argument?  How is a gift, children dividing an inheritance field, someone who consecrates his property to the Temple different from a sale?  How are each different from each other?

Apr 022017

If generally something is not included in a sale – like trees in the field, if one says I am selling you the field without one specific tree, does that mean that all the other trees are included or are none of the trees included?  By adding words, can it actually make it worse for the seller?  If one gives something to another to watch and has a document to prove it, can the shomer claim he/she returned it (even though the document is still in the hands of the other) because since he/she could claim accidental damage, he/she is believed by a migo that it was returned?

Mar 312017

One who sells a city – what is included?  Are slaves considered like land or movable property?  Can we derive an answer to that question from the mishna?  The mishna mentioned beit hashlachin – what is its definition?  Rabban Shimon ben Gamliel talked about a santar – what is its definition?  One who sells a field what other items are and are not included in the sale?