May 072018

What is considered a chatzitza between the kohen and the floor that will disqualify the work of the kohen? There is a debate in the mishna about whether accepting the blood can be done using the left hand. The basis of this disagreement is explained. Rules regarding what items need to be done in the right hand are analyzed,

May 062018

Various opinions are brought regarding which type of impurity is intended in the mishna when it states that a kohen who is impure and works in the mikdash, his work will be disqualified. The law regarding one who sits during the work (which is also disqualified) is discussed. Why is it disqualified but one who does this is not obligated by death in the hands of God (like a stranger who does get punished by death in the hands of God)?

May 042018

If one becomes impure, does one also need to redo washing one’s hands and feet? Can one dunk one’s hands and feet in the water or can it only be done by pouring the water? At what time of day does the water need to be sunk into its pit (so as not to become contaminated)? Three different opinions are brought.