Nov 062017

Study Guide Sanhedrin 112

What happens to all the items that have holiness to them that are in the city of idol worshippers?  Can the city be used for gardens and fields?  Or can it never be rebuilt for any purpose?  The city of Jericho can also never be rebuilt.  The incident in sefer melachim where Chial rebuilt Jericho (or according to the gemara rebuilt a different city but called it Jericho) is quoted and analyzed and is related to Eliahu receiving the “key” for rain from God and bringing a huge drought.  The masechet ends with a discussion of good and evil and their effects on the world.

Nov 032017

Korach’s wife convinced him to rebel against Moshe according to the story described in the gemara and Korach even tried to argue with her but she convinced him anyway.  It is a matter of debate whether Korach was swallowed up and burned with the others.  However it is clear from the Torah that his sons did not die.  The generation of the desert is a matter of debate whether they were bad and not deserving of the World to Come as indicated in some verses; however other verses are brought that show them in a very positive light and thereby others claim that they have a place in the World to Come.  The ten tribes are also a matter of debate – will they return to the land (or get resuscitated) or not?  Various verses are brought to prove each opinion.  From what age is one able to merit getting entry in the World to Come – from conception, birth, ability to speak, ability to say amen?

Nov 022017

What did the generation of those who built the Tower of Bavel trying to do?  What were the acts of Sodom?  What made them do it?  Most of the things they did fall into 2 categories – not treating guests properly and perverting justice.  There is a debate about Korach and his followers – whether they are deserving of the World to Come or not.  THe gemara extrapolates the names of the people in Korach’s group.  On ben Pelet was saved by his wife and didn’t rejoin Korach’s group.

Nov 012017

The mishna describes groups of people who do not have a share in the World to Come, like the generation of the flood, migdal bavel and the people of Sedom.   The gemara discusses in depth details relating to the flood and the building of the ark.