Jun 112017

Sons have rights to the inheritance but daughters have rights to sustenance from the estate.  In the event that there aren’t enough funds, the Tanna Kamma gives the girls rights to the sustenance before giving rights to the sons.  Admon disagrees and Rabban Shimon ben Gamliel supports his position.  The gemara discusses how one calculates how much money is considered enough money in the estate in order for the boys to get their inheritance?  Rabbi Yirmiya asks if other things enter into the calculation – the widow’s rights to sustenance until she gets remarried or dies, her daughter from a previous marriage in a case where the husband committed to supporting her for a period of time and a creditor from a loan who is owed money by the estate?  What if there is a widow and only a daughter left to inherit and not enough money for both of them?  How is a tumtum viewed regarding these laws – do they get inheritance rights or sustenance rights or neither?  If a man on his deathbed left a pregnant wife and stipulated: if the baby is male give him this gift, if female… – what is the case if twins are born?  If a tumtum is born?

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