May 052017

One who sells a field – if there are parts with cracks or rocks, is it included in the field or not.  A mishna from Erchin is brought where the same measurements are brought regarding someone who consecrates a field from a sdeh achuza that has cracks and rocks.  However that mishna is explained as referring only to cracks where nothing can be planted as they are filled with water, but our mishna is referring to any kind of cracks as they make it difficult for the owner to plow.  The mishna discussed the height of the rocks but not the area of space that they take up.  This is further discussed by the gemara.   The next mishna discusses the difference between one who said he/she is selling a certain measurement of a field measured by a rope vs. someone who said they are selling a measurement give or take.  The gemara questions what the in-between case would be – if he/she just said he/she is selling a field of a particular size without specifying more than that.

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