Dec 062016

Can one take interest from non Jews?  Under what circumstances?  A pasuk is brought to show that one who takes interest will lose his money.  The gemara then questions that against reality where we see righteous people who lose their money also.  Rebbi raises 2 problems where the Torah says one thing about a ger  and the halacha doesn’t match that.  One about a hebrew slave and one about taking interest.  They are both resolved.  The gemara then proceeds to describe cases where one is permitted to be a guarantor for a loan on interest.  THe cases in the mishna are explained where there are 3 people – 2 Jews and a non Jew and one takes the loan off the other and pays the interest for him . The gemara describes 4 possible cases – 2 of which are allowed and 2 of which aren’t.  This related to the issue of a Jew being a messenger for a non Jew.  2 versions of a radical statement by Rav Ashi on the topic are brought – and are both rejected.

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